Iraq war veterans respond to massacre of civilians in Afghanistan

Tuesday, March 13, 12noon
Downtown Federal Building
300 N Los Angeles St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012

The following is a press statement sent by the ANSWER Coalition in response to the recent massacre of civilians in Afghanistan. We encourage all of our members and supporters to join us for this important emergency rally and press conference calling for an immediate end to the Afghanistan war.

What: Press Conference in response to the recent killing spree by a U.S. Army soldier in Afghanistan, causing the death of at least 16 innocent civilians. Participants will demand an immediate end to the war on Afghanistan.

When: This Tuesday, March 13, 12 noon

Where: Downtown LA Federal Building (300 N. Los Angeles St.)

Who: Iraq war veterans, National Lawyers Guild, ANSWER Coalition, Military Families Speak Out, March Forward! and more.

Why: The cold-blooded murder of at least 16 Afghan civilians by a U.S. Army soldier is the latest in a decade-long history of atrocities carried out by the NATO occupiers. It will be remembered as the tipping point in a criminal war that grows more criminal with each passing month.

The “apologies” by President Obama and U.S. commanding General John Allen are nothing but brazen hypocrisy and will ring hollow in the ears of the Afghan people. Occupying armies, unable to distinguish insurgent fighters from the population as a whole, inevitably propagate a racist ideology among their troops. This officially promoted racism and contempt toward the occupied people is what produces atrocity after atrocity, and insult after insult.
The only way these horrors will end is by ending the war. We join with the people of Afghanistan and the anti-war movement around the world in demanding the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. and NATO occupying forces.

Fort Lewis soldier, Iraq war veterans, military families and anti-war activists will be available for interview.


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