
Rogues gallery—the Trump transition in disarray

The rollout of the new cabinet of president-elect Donald Trump continues. Rather than calming down, and in spite of efforts by Democrats and Republicans alike to “give Donald a chance to succeed,” the chaos and instability of this election cycle deepens. Called by CNN a “knife fight,” the backstabbings and maneuverings by politicians, lobbyists and Trump family hangers-on cannot be hidden. Chris Christie, once assigned to coordinate the transition, has been purged and replaced with Vice President-elect and ultra-homophobe Mike Pence.

Widespread speculation about the appointment of the cabinet and inside adviser groups has been amplified as the Trump staff has fragmented and political operatives across the right-wing spectrum scramble like rats to get access to the new administration. Members of Trump’s family are jockeying for position and power. The “alt-right,” neo-fascist thugs, racists, Islamophobes, and sexists have moved into the spotlight, validated by Trump’s spread of hatred and bigotry throughout the campaign.

Meanwhile, paralysis has set in in the Capitol, due to legal and procedural delays that prevent handoffs from the previous administration to the new staffers because Trump’s staff has failed to submit the required paperwork.

While many names are being tossed out by the media and Washington insiders, the names themselves can only spur fear, anger and outrage by all who believe in justice. Meanwhile, revelations of extreme racist, sexist, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant and homophobic violence are filling the media.

Confederate flags are flying and being praised by the KKK and other fascist white-supremacists without so much as a peep from leading Democrats and Republicans. Women—Black, Latina, Muslim, Asian, all women in fact—are being attacked and taunted by gangs of white men.

At this point, it is clear that Trump, while promising to “unite all Americans,” is pursuing a coterie of cabinet members and advisers aimed to please his most right-wing supporters.

Stephen Bannon (in 2014): ‘Turn on the hate’

Stephen Bannon typed in an email in 2014: “Let the grassroots turn on the hate, because that’s the ONLY thing that will make them do their duty.”

Most shocking, and causing an explosion of outrage, is the naming of Stephen Bannon, executive chairman of the Breitbart News website, as chief strategist of the new administration. Breitbart features endless fascistic rhetoric and interviews with extreme rightists, and has become a go-to resource for KKK types, neo-Nazis and other fascist elements.

It is obvious that this appointment shows the real goals of Trump to target and attack all oppressed sections, communities and organizations of the working class. Throughout the fabric of the progressive movement and population, many have pointed out the grave dangers of including Bannon in Trump’s inner circle. The Council on American-Islamic Relations pointed out the disturbing danger, “ … that anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and white nationalist ideology will be welcome in the White House.”

Bannon’s words define more than anything who he really is. After a Confederate flag was raised on a flag pole in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015, the flag that represents the horrors of slavery, here is what the new chief adviser to the president-elect had to say: “Hoist it high and proud! The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage!”

Environmental Protection Agency appointee: Pesticides aren’t bad for you’

Myron Ebell runs the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a right-wing “think”- tank. In addition to denying the reality of climate change, Ebell invents fake science to downplay the effects of deadly insecticides and agricultural products that are harming millions of people.

Trump has vowed to dismantle the EPA. He has been true to his vows by appointing Ebell, who is NOT a scientist, who likes to list the “benefits” of climate change (warmer winters and less bad storms!), and who stated in 2007 that climate change is “nothing to worry about.” (Vanity Fair)

Only big agribusiness and the chemical corporations benefit from widespread use of many toxic chemicals. The planet will suffer even more than now. The appointment of Ebell is a sure sign that the EPA may be gutted and that international treaties addressing climate change, such as the recent Paris Treaty, will be scrapped. Rather than “ … draining the so-called swamp, Trump seems to want to inject it with agrichemicals.” (Mother Jones magazine)

Rudy Giuliani: The developer of ‘Stop and Frisk’

No one knows for sure where Rudy Giuliani will end up in Trump’s inner circle. The racist former mayor of New York City who implemented “Stop and Frisk,” unleashing NYC cops in a reign of terror against thousands of people of color, hopes to be secretary of state. He has said that he does not want to be attorney general.

His dubious business international business dealings and extreme hawkish views are making many in ruling circles wonder where Trump’s foreign policy will go during the next few years. Giuliani, if appointed secretary of state, could easily create more instability for U.S. interests around the globe and undermine the goals outlined by the Clintons and other liberal interventionists preferred by Wall Street interests. Millions more innocent civilians would face the terror of U.S. aggression.

In 1952, during the reign of brutal Haitian tyrant Jean-Claude Duvalier, Giuliani visited Haiti and declared that there was “no political repression on the island.” In 1995, then Mayor Giuliani had Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat ejected from a NY Philharmonic concert in honor of the United Nations.

It is time to organize the biggest fight-back ever against racism, sexism homo/transphobia and war

There is great confusion surrounding Trump’s claims that the transition is going “so smoothly.” The ruling elite are panicked and in disarray. A gallery of scary characters is vying for a chance to get on the gravy train, driven by lust for power and/or greed.

The time is now for all to stand up, organize, and fight back. We must unite. For our planet and its peoples.

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