
The religion of money and control

This is a transcript of a speech written for Albuquerque’s protest against the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision.

This assault on women by the owners of Hobby Lobby is an example of why capitalism is the problem. Capitalism dictates that Hobby Lobby employees sell their labor power to Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby employees are then forced to submit to the owner’s dictates about the work process, work hours, and company rules.

Now, unbelievably, the Supreme Court has taken it one step further. Now Hobby Lobby women employees are forced to allow the Hobby Lobby owners to limit their health care choices. This only furthers the employees’ feeling of alienation and exploitation.

Employees are trapped. Trapped by a capitalist system in a job they’re supposed to be grateful to have. Trapped by a capitalist system that constantly squeezes them for more while offering less. Trapped by a for-profit health care system that actually doesn’t care about their health at all. Trapped by capitalist owners bent on exercising their so-called sincerely held religious beliefs.

Come on, let’s be honest here. This is really about the Hobby Lobby owners exercising their sincerely held beliefs about money, power and control. That’s their religion.

Well, here we are. Here we are exercising our power: the power of the mass of people. We are here to stand with the Hobby Lobby employees. They are us. Together we are fighting the capitalist Hobby Lobby owners.

Are we going to allow the capitalist system to make health care decisions for us? NO!

Are we taking back the right of each woman to make her own health decisions? YES!

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