Why we say “Seize the Banks!”

A video message from the PSL’s Lindsay/Osorio Presidential Campaign:

Why we say “Seize the Banks!”

Please watch and share this video featuring presidential candidate Peta Lindsay and vice-presidential candidate Yari Osorio to learn more about why we say “Seize the Banks!”

The slogan of the PSL Lindsay/Osorio 2012 Presidential Campaign is “Seize the Banks.” We believe that the Wall Street criminals should be jailed, and the vast wealth of the banks should be put into the hands of the people to be used in the interest of the vast majority of society. By seizing, or expropriating, the assets and profits of the major private banks that are owned by the richest of the 1% and putting those funds in a democratically controlled and publicly owned People’s Bank, we can have an economy that serves the 99%.

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