Pentagon identifies 2,000 targets in Iran

Pentagon strategists have defined 2,000 possible targets for attack in Iran if the U.S. government decides to unleash a new war, according to the Sept. 17 British Telegraph.

The White House has begun a carefully calculated program to increase pressure on Tehran, which could lead to an

armed attack.

One of the first targets would be a military base in southeast Iran where Washington claims Fajr missiles used by the Iraqi resistance against the U.S. and British occupation forces in Iraq are produced.

With the threat of war on the table, Mohammed El Baradei, general director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, has repeated his opposition to using force against Iran.

El Baradei’s opposition does not stem from anti-imperialist ideology. He heads a leading world agency that ultimately answers to the United States and Europe. The IAEA’s main activity has been to disarm oppressed countries being threatened by imperialist invasion under the guise of international treaties and laws.

His statements signify the growing disagreement among imperialists over how to proceed with Iran. However, all sides of the inter-imperialist debate have the same ultimate goal in mind—regime change.

But the anti-imperialist Iranian government and people stand in the way of the imperialists’ war plans.

If the United States attacks Iran, the Iranian people will resist. Such resistance could trigger a regional uprising against the United States and its client states. It remains to be seen whether the U.S. ruling class will consider the risks of such a high-stakes gamble.

The U.S. working class has nothing to gain from the U.S. government’s murderous military adventures, but it has to pay for them with blood.

Struggling against the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan and any attempted expansion of them benefits the vast majority of people in the United States.

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