Los Angeles Socialism Conference inspires working-class struggle

On Nov. 10, nearly 150 people participated in a day-long socialism conference in Los Angeles hosted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation. The conference was titled “Fighting capitalism and the need for socialism.” It featured speakers, workshops, cultural performance and political discussion. It was held downtown at the headquarters of the immigrant rights organization Hermandad Mexicana Naciónal.

Although most participants came from the Los Angeles area, people traveled from Long Beach, Ventura, Orange


Eugene Puryear speaks in the opening session of the L.A. Socialism Conferece.
Photo: Travis Wilkerson

County, Riverside, Palm Springs, San Francisco, South Florida and Washington, D.C. to attend. Some participants were seasoned activists, but a large number were new to the struggle and came to find out more about an alternative to the capitalist system.

The conference was conducted entirely in both English and Spanish. Translators worked hard to ensure that everyone could understand the political views discussed throughout the day.

Fighting capitalism

The conference began with an opening plenary of speakers. All are experienced activists in the struggle for socialism and against war and racism. Muna Coobtee and Aadi Downey of the PSL co-chaired.

Marcella Daneshinia of the PSL opened the conference by striking out at the capitalist system: “Under capitalism, a tiny class of owners—those who own the corporations, factories, big chain stores, technology, the media—rule over the rest of us—the workers, the ones that have to sell our labor to the owners every day in order to survive.”

Juan Jose Gutierrez, director of Latino Movement USA, described the material basis for immigration to the U.S. He blamed the capitalist system for the extreme exploitation felt by immigrants, especially undocumented workers, and urged unity in the fight against the system.

Marylou Cabral, PSL member and student organizer at California State University Long Beach, gave a materialist

Juan Jose Gutierrez discusses the struggle for immigrant rights.
Photo: Travis Wilkerson

analysis of women’s oppression and LGBT oppression under capitalism and how to combat them.

Then, Eugene Puryear, PSL member and Howard University student, discussed struggles against racism and national oppression, including the fight to free the Jena 6. He also emphasized that building class unity is a key task for socialists.

Brian Becker, PSL leader and National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition, gave the keynote address of the opening plenary. He talked about the meaning of the looming capitalist economic crisis, how socialists must respond to it and the importance of building a revolutionary Marxist party in the United States.

After the talks, the panelists all fielded questions from curious participants who asked about the economy, whether socialism is possible in the United States, about socialists and mass work and how we can build a movement for change.

Discussing Marxism and action

During lunch, conference organizers and participants had time to meet each other and discuss politics. People engaged in informal conversations with socialist activists about a wide range of topics: how to get involved, why become a revolutionary organizer, and more.

Participants also heard a brief program, chaired by PSL member Jennifer Caldwell. She introduced hip-hop artists

Photo: Travis Wilkerson

Rebels to the Grain, who gave an energetic and political performance.

PSL member Richard Moreno discussed the importance of the PSL’s publications: Liberation newspaper, Socialism and Liberation magazine and pslweb.org. Moreno stressed the importance of reaching the working class with materials to spread class consciousness and urged everyone to subscribe and help the PSL get the word out.

Solidarity greetings to the conference were presented by Christine Araquel of the Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines. A special greeting from Jim Lafferty, executive director of the National Lawyers Guild-LA and KPFK interim general manager, was also read.

Award-winning filmmaker and PSL member Travis Wilkerson then discussed the Bolshevik Revolution and invited all participants to attend the PSL’s next forum on the topic.

Cela Esguerra oriented the conference on the afternoon’s workshops: (1) Marx and Lenin: what their ideas mean today; (2) Venezuela and socialism; (3) Revolutionary youth organizing; (4) Capitalist economic crisis and workers struggle; (5) From Jena to LA: fighting racism and national oppression; and (6) Socialists and the anti-war movement.

More than 35 young people participated in the youth and student workshop, sharing ideas and planning upcoming

Revolutionary youth organizing workshop
Photo: Travis Wilkerson

actions. The most popular workshop was on Marx and Lenin, validating the lasting ideas of revolutionary struggle.

In each workshop, participants asked candid questions and engaged in a dialogue with movement leaders and other conference attendees.

Socialism is possible and necessary

Iraq war veteran and PSL member in South Florida, Michael Prysner, kicked off the closing plenary. The plenary was chaired by PSL members Ernesto Arce and Bethany Malmgren.

Prysner recounted his experience at the Sept. 15 March on Washington, where he was the first veteran arrested on the U.S. Capitol’s steps: “On the morning of Sept. 15, I held in my hands a uniform that was issued to me nearly five years ago. I remembered the first time I held it, wondering if I would ever wear it home, wondering if it would be stained by blood or shredded by bullets. … As I put it on for the first time since I returned from Iraq, I finally felt as if I was putting it on for a purpose.”

Jacqueline Villagomez, PSL organizer and member of the United Teachers Los Angeles union, discussed Cuba’s socialist revolution and the danger of U.S. threats against the island. She urged everyone to get involved in the movement to support Cuba and to help us build a revolutionary movement here at home.

The conference then passed unanimously a resolution demanding immediate freedom for the Cuban Five.

Rebels to the Grain
Photo: Travis Wilkerson

Carlos Alvarez, PSL member and Youth & Student ANSWER coordinator in Los Angeles, spoke about the need for building class consciousness. Using the example of the 1917 Russian Revolution, Alvarez pointed out the historic role of a revolutionary vanguard party. He urged people to join the PSL in the movement for revolutionary change.

Finally, Ian Thompson, editor of pslweb.org, summarized the importance of the conference, reviewed what had happened throughout the day, and talked about the tasks ahead.

Thompson said, “Every one of us individually has hopes of a better world. Every one of us individually has found ways to assert ourselves as workers and as activists. Imagine how these hopes; these efforts can be magnified if we work shoulder-to-shoulder together as comrades in the struggle. Today’s conference is a step toward building a new society. Let’s build a revolutionary party; let’s fight for a revolutionary world. Together, we can and we will win.”

Join us in the struggle for socialism!

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