U.S. border agents attack Mexican residents

U.S. border police have been handed even more powerful weapons to terrorize immigrants and Mexican residents at the heavily fortified border between the United States and Mexico.

The Border Patrol claims that its new pepper spray guns that shoot 200 feet, tear gas, flash bombs and rubber pellet sting ball grenades are defensive weapons against attacks from the Mexican side of the border. Two-thirds of these so-called attacks on border cops are rocks. The rest are mostly physical fights.

The hated Border Patrol’s use of high-powered, potentially fatal weapons is part of a larger campaign to militarize the border between the United States and Mexico.

The weapons are being used against Mexican residents. Mexicans living near the border in Mexico have been forced to seek medical help because of unprovoked tear gas and pepper spray attacks.

Robis Argumedo, a resident of Tijuana, Mexico, told the Associated Press that, when she shouted for a cross-border tear gas attack to stop, a U.S. agent responded, “I’m the policeman of the world and I can do what I want.”

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