Nearly 500,000 take a stand against bigotry at Chicago Pride Weekend

Almost half a million people took to the streets of Chicago on June 28 and 29 to celebrate Pride Weekend with resoluteness and determination in the ongoing struggle for equal rights for all.

On Saturday, June 28, over 400 women and men took part in the 12th Annual Dyke March. Carrying banners and drums, and with great vigor in their loud voices, they chanted, “Hey hey, ho ho, homophobia has got to go!”

The chants resonated through the streets, carried far by the urgency in demanding full rights for LGBT people. The Party for Socialism and Liberation had a contingent in the march and carried a banner demanding same-sex marriage rights and equality for LGBT people now.

This very successful event was followed by a mass mobilization of 450,000 people who hit the streets for the Pride March on Sunday, June 29. Floats and parade participants were followed by several Chicago area social justice groups encouraging the crowd to call for same-sex marriage rights in all 50 states.

At one point in the pride march, the social justice contingent—including John Beacham and Heather Benno, both PSL candidates for the State Assembly in Chicago—counter-protested a small anti-LGBT group who were yelling at the crowd. Everyone joined together in beating drums and chanting, “Bigots go home!” After an hour of chanting, the bigots went home!

Pride weekend in Chicago was a strong display of unity against bigotry. The scores of people that showed up to both events brought their positive energy and dedication to standing up for the rights of LGBT and all people.

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