Canada deports U.S. war resister

On July 15, Robin Long became the first Iraq war resister to be deported from Canada back to the United States.

In 2005, Long went to Canada because he would not fight in an “illegal war of aggression.” Like thousands of young recruits, Long discovered the Iraq war was based on lies only after he had joined the military.

The court denied Long sanctuary based on a so-called lack of evidence that he would face harsh treatment if he were sent back to the United States. The court was fully aware that Long would be unjustly tried as a deserter, could face prison time and be deployed to Iraq against his will.

As an example to others, on July 16, James Burmeister, a resister who turned himself over to the U.S. government was sentenced to nine months in jail and dishonorably discharged.

Protests in the U.S. and Canada have demanded sanctuary for Iraq war resisters. Two-thirds of Canadians believe that war resisters should be allowed to stay in Canada.


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