Why we are protesting at the Obama/McCain presidential forum

This Party for Socialism and Liberation commentary aired on Friday, Aug. 15 on KPFK in Southern California.

This Saturday, Aug. 16, presumptive presidential nominees Barack Obama and John McCain will be in Southern California to participate in their only joint appearance before the Democratic and Republican nominating conventions later this month.

They are speaking at a “Civil Forum” at Saddleback Church, a mega-church complex in South Orange County. The forum, moderated by Saddleback’s ambitious pastor, Rick Warren, will not be a debate of any sort. Each candidate will field scripted questions and give scripted answers on generalized issues like “poverty,” “injustice” and how to move “forward” as a united country.

But are we united in the United States? I don’t think so, and neither do the 70 percent of people who are against the war on Iraq, a war which both candidates support. Neither do the 2 million people who are losing homes due to greedy banks and brokerage houses.

Instead of getting to the nitty-gritty of fundamental issues like war, jobs, the economy, the prison-industrial complex, police brutality, immigrant rights and racism, the candidates will essentially play softball for the corporate media and their devoted fans.

You can be sure that no one who disagrees with the policies of either capitalist candidate will be allowed to voice any independent opinion. It will be a very “civil” forum indeed.

No one will be allowed to ask about what Obama really means when he says he’s against the war, yet aims to leave 60,000 to 80,000 troops in Iraq for an indefinite period of time. No one will be allowed to ask why both candidates unequivocally support the racist, apartheid state of Israel. No one will be allowed to ask why both candidates want to escalate the war in Afghanistan and increase the criminally bloated Pentagon budget when good and gas prices are skyrocketing?

That’s the state of so-called democracy in the U.S. The candidates of the pro-rich, pro-war, anti-worker parties get a free pass and unlimited media exposure, while working people are shut out of any discussion about the country and its future.

But instead of succumbing to cynicism, lesser evilism and silence, the anti-war movement is set to challenge these two big-business candidates.

Led by the ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) in Los Angeles and Orange County, a large and growing group of organizations is mobilizing to demonstrate at the presidential forum on Saturday.

In the heart of Orange County, hundreds of people will bring signs and banners to the streets and tell McCain and Obama to stop the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan now; to stop the threats against Iran, its government and people; to demand freedom for Palestine, including the right of return for all Palestinian refugees; and to demand an end U.S. militarism. The more than 700 U.S. military bases in over 130 countries must be dismantled now.

People need money for jobs, education, health care and housing. Not one more dime should fund imperialist wars.

Join ANSWER at the corner of El Toro Rd. and Portola Pkwy. in Lake Forest, Orange County at 4:00 p.m. to be part of this important action.

Don’t let the two candidates of U.S. imperialism have the final say. Only an independent people’s movement can bring the real and lasting change that this country and our class, the working class, so badly needs and deserves.

Come out this Saturday to make your voice heard. For maps and directions to the protest, and to endorse and download flyers, visit www.answerla.org.

This has been Muna Coobtee for the Party for Socialism and Liberation, a member group of the ANSWER Coalition.

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