Television show cuts gay plotline

Corporate executives at ABC network are getting on board with the bigotry promoted by a number of anti-LGBT measures passed Nov. 4 across the country, including California’s now-infamous Proposition 8.

Grey's Anatomy - Brooke Smith
Actress Brooke Smith played a
lesbian character in ABC’s “Grey’s

ABC television executives pulled the plug on a plotline involving a lesbian relationship on one of the network’s top-rated shows, “Grey’s Anatomy.” They did this on the same day that three states passed bans on gay marriage. Executives fired the actress portraying the lesbian and told writers to re-write the part of a seemingly bisexual character to a straight character.

The show’s creator denies that the actions stemmed from the sexual orientation of the characters, claiming instead that the actors did not have screen chemistry. However, actors from the show have admitted that ABC bosses gave them a list of statements about the change to convey to the public.

It is no coincidence that the bosses would pull such a plot off the air at the same time the bans were passed. These actions are a manifestation of the wave of right-wing homophobic attacks that are attempting to set back and further divide the working class. The censoring of the LGBT community on prime-time television and homophobic measures approved in the election promote the same right-wing, divisive ideology.

The struggle against homophobia, sexism, racism and all forms of bigotry must go on. Backward ideology and actions must be stopped in their tracks. Pandering to the right wing by the mainstream media cannot be tolerated. These backward ideologies that pit workers against each other must be eradicated. No to hate! No to bigotry!

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