Obama seeks increase in war spending, again

Responding to the request of Pentagon generals, the Obama administration has asked Congress for $83 billion in supplemental war funding. The ongoing occupation of Iraq and the escalation of the war in Afghanistan will continue to be fully supported with the additional funding, which Congress is likely to quickly approve.

Despite corporate media claims to the contrary, the defense budget submitted to Congress by the Obama administration for 2010 includes an overall increase of 4 percent over 2009.

Press reports of “big cuts” in the Pentagon’s budget are greatly exaggerated and small compared to the additional funds going to pay for the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. Among projects expanded is the use of unmanned Predator and Reaper aircraft. The drones, each of which costs millions of dollars, kill hundreds of civilians every year.

While millions are losing their homes and jobs, the Obama administration is extending U.S. wars that oppress and murder people abroad for corporate profit.

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