Cuba promotes LGBT equality and awareness

On May 16, hundreds of Cubans celebrated the International Day Against Homophobia in Havana.

The festivities began with dancing and music playing through Havana’s main street. The activities continued throughout the day with theater, informational booths, the launching of books and magazines, and panel discussions on a variety of issues including sexual diversity, homophobia and HIV/AIDS.

Mariela Castro, head of the National Center of Sexual Education and one of the organizers of the event, said: “This celebration is part of a wider education strategy to raise awareness about respecting free and responsible sexual orientation and gender identity. Homosexuals are not a problem, homophobia is.”

Also in attendance were many youth and activists, the general secretary of the Cuban Women’s Federation, the vice minister of culture, and Ricardo Alarcón, president of the National Assembly.

In an interview with Prensa Latina, Alarcón said that the true meaning of socialism is the “inclusion, rather than exclusion of people for their sexual orientation or religion.”

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