Protests in Washington, D.C., oppose right-wing coup in Honduras

Immediately following the right-wing military coup in Honduras, demonstrations took place in Washington, D.C.


G20 2009 Protests
Protest outside the Honduran Embassy,
Washington, D.C., June 29
Photo: Sophia Marsh

On the afternoon of the coup, demonstrators quickly gathered outside the White House. They returned the next day, chanting “Obama, escucha, estamos en la lucha” (Obama, listen, we are in the struggle).

Demonstrators then traveled to the Hondoran Embassy, where they formed a picket line and chanted ¿Que queremos? Restablecer Zelaya! ¿Cuando? Ahora!” (What do we want? Reinstate Zelaya! When do we want it? Now!). Manuel Zelaya is the democratically elected president of Honduras, who was kidnapped in the middle of the night and forced into exile in Costa Rica.

The emergency actions were called by the Alliance for Global Justice, CISPES, School Of the Americas Watch, FMLN-MD, Mexicanos Sin Fronteras and others. Among those in attendance was a van full of people who had driven all the way from Chicago.

The ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) joined in support, with signs reading “Down with the right-wing coup in Honduras,” “The people united can overturn the coup” and “Reinstate Manuel Zelaya.”

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