Retail chains forced to pull anti-immigrant Halloween costumes

Target, Walgreens and other retail chains have been forced to remove a racist, anti-immigrant Halloween costume from shelves in their stores. The costume includes the mask of an alien; an orange prison jumpsuit with “illegal alien” written across the front; and a fake Green Card.

Immigrant rights groups all across the country mobilized to remove the racist outfit from retail stores.

A number of “illegal alien” Halloween masks are being sold online and at costume stores across the country, including one that depicts an “alien” with a large dark mustache and a baseball hat.

With millions of workers losing their jobs as a result of the capitalist economic crisis, tens of millions lacking health care, and poverty rising, a culture of systematic racism helps divert anger away from the real culprits: Wall Street. Ruling class and government attacks on health care, education and jobs will only be successfully fought off and defeated through a united working-class struggle that has the fight against all manifestations of racism as its anchor.

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