Join the Seize BP Campaign!

BP oil rig

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We are writing to urge you to join a new nationwide campaign: Seize BP (

We must act now to
defend jobs, communities, wildlife and the environment from the
combined forces of BP, other Big Oil giants and the federal government
that have acted as partners in the reckless and frantic search of
corporate super-profits by permitting ultrahazardous deep-water,
offshore oil drilling. BP reaped $5.6 billion in pure profits in the
first three months of this year alone.

Sign the Seize BP petition now!

Yesterday, at a closed
door session with Congress, a senior BP executive admitted that the
flow of oil from the wrecked Deepwater Horizon rig explosion could
reach 60,000 barrels a day, or more than 2.5 million gallons each day.

The poisonous
devastation to human beings, jobs, wildlife, natural habitat and
fragile ecosystems will go on for decades. It constitutes an act of
environmental violence, the consequences of which will be catastrophic.

Take action now!

The U.S. government
functions as a servant for the Big Oil capitalists, both at home and
abroad. Our jobs, our loved ones, our communities and everyone’s
environment are sacrificed in the government’s effort to serve BP and
other Big Oil giants. Hundreds of thousands are killed and wounded for
Big Oil. The people of Iraq and Iran, and elsewhere, have been subject
to cruel invasions and occupations by the US military and CIA so that
BP and others can plunder their natural resources.

BP just recently announced that it was granted the contract for the Rumaila oil field in Iraq,
thought to be the second largest oil field in the world. This was only
possible because of the U.S. government’s military invasion in 2003. BP
and the other western oil giants’ holdings in Iraq had been
nationalized by the former Baathist government.

In Iran, BP worked with the CIA in 1952-53 to overthrow a democratically elected government
after it dared nationalize BP, which had monopoly control over all of
Iran’s oil until then. That’s how the Shah was brought back to his
bloody throne for 26 years. Among his first acts was to denationalize
Iran’s oil wealth and hand it right back to BP and U.S. oil monopolies.

Support for BP and Big
Oil’s rapacious plunder of the planet comes from both the Republican
and Democratic Parties. Bush promoted ultrahazardous deep-water,
offshore drilling. The Republican corporate robots led by Sarah Palin
used the RNC in 2008 to make the disgusting “Drill Baby Drill” chant a
part of public lexicon. And President Obama, once in office,
immediately supported BP and Big Oil’s frantic efforts to reap
super-profits through dangerous and unprecedented deep-water, offshore

Just 18 days before the explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama—who
has been the top recipient of BP contributions—went out of his way to
defend his embrace of offshore drilling and to reassure an anxious
public. On April 2, 2010 he stated, “I don’t agree with the notion that
we shouldn’t do anything [allow offshore drilling]. It turns out, by
the way, that oil rigs generally don’t cause oil spills. They are
technologically very advanced. Even during Katrina, the spills didn’t
come from the oil rigs; they came from the refineries onshore.” Sounds
like the speech came right from a BP advertising brochure.

We urge you to sign the Seize BP petition
and send a letter to elected officials telling them that you support
the seizure of BP’s assets. Otherwise BP will pass the costs on to
consumers, change the company name, create a new corporate entity and
carry on with business as usual reaping super-profits for the Board of
Directors and biggest investors (aka the banks). states: The
government of the United States must seize BP and freeze its assets,
and place those funds in trust to begin providing immediate relief to
the working people throughout the Gulf states whose jobs, communities,
homes and businesses are being harmed or destroyed by the criminally
negligent actions of the CEO, Board of Directors and senior management
of BP.

Take action now! Sign the Seize BP petition to demand the seizure of BP!

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