French senate to vote on anti-Muslim veil ban

France is one step closer to implementing a ban on veils
covering the face, with the measure passing the lower chamber of parliament by
a vote of 336-1. The Socialist Party boycotted the vote, although it has stated
support for a partial ban for government offices.

Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s reactionary president, has
previously stated that the veils are “not welcome in France,” and described
them as a threat to French values. France has been hit hard by the recent
capitalist economic crisis, and the ban should be seen as another attempt to foment
anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim racism in the country. In 2004, France passed a
law prohibiting students from wearing religious symbols in schools—primarily
targeting Muslim girls.

The law would make wearing a niqab or burqa in public
punishable by a fine of 150 euros, mandatory enrollment in “citizenship courses”
or both.

The bill will be voted on in the Senate in September, where
it is expected to be ratified. Spain is currently considering a similar


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