Victory in Mott’s strike

Workers at a Mott’s plant in Williamson, New York, reached victory  after ratifying a new contract. Over 300 workers will return to work since their walk out and strike started on May 23, 2010.

The Mott’s, Dr. Pepper, and Snapple conglomerate had made $550 million in record profits last year .The worker’s strike was brought on by the company’s  demands of a $1.50 per hour wage cut for all workers, a pension freeze for current employees and the elimination of a pension for future employees, decreased employer contributions to the company’s 401(k) retirement plan, and increased employee contributions toward health care premiums and co-pays.

The striking workers received support with rallies across the country from other union leaders, elected officials, New York State democratic congressional delegation, and members of the Canadian Parliament. Their new contracts restores their wage levels and continues the defined-benefit pension plan.The corporation’s greed was overcome by the organized workers taking it to the streets.

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