This is what class war looks like–for now


Capitalist bankers seized 288,345 homes this summer as a staggering number of workers can’t find jobs or can’t pay their medical bills, utility bills, buy food and make their mortgage payments at the same time.

Foreclosure sign
Through foreclosures and layoffs, the
capitalist class is turning up the heat
on workers across the country.

Two years after being given trillions in taxpayer-funded bailouts when they couldn’t pay their debts, the banker/thieves seized more than 816,000 homes in the first nine months of 2010.

As investigations in all 50 states now show, the banker/thieves seized the homes of struggling families—and had these foreclosures enforced by marshals, sheriff departments or other state entities—even though they frequently didn’t have the documents that proved that they are the actual owners of the mortgages. In many cases, they simply had their lawyer/thieves forge signatures or avoid signatures indicating ownership.

There is a class war being waged by all sectors of the capitalist billionaires against working families. Our children are taught to put their hands on their heart and proclaim that “we are one nation.” But the capitalist bankers and their counterparts in industry are engaged in an economic civil war against working families.

They pledge allegiance only to profit.

Capitalist owners of industry such as GM are putting a gun to the head of the workers and, like all hostage takers, are giving their victims two bad choices: voluntarily cut your wages by 40 percent or 50 percent or we will move your factory to Korea or Mexico.

If these workers lose the factory, if they lose employment, they will also have their homes seized by the bankers when they can’t meet their mortgage payments.

In a capitalist society, the banks belong to the bankers and industry belongs to the industrialists. Bankers and industrialists do no productive work. They own. It is “their” property and they can do with it as they please.

The big capitalists and their attack dogs like the Tea Party vilify even the mildest economic reform with their most extreme expletive: It is “socialism.”  The corporate media are so anti-communist that they caricature even the most pro-business Democrats as promoting “class warfare” if they seek to modify some aspects of the health insurance industry endless rip-off schemes.

Anti-communist and anti-socialist propaganda has one aim: to maintain the status quo where the filthy rich hoard society’s bounty while tens of millions of working family are driven into poverty, where they will accept even the lowest wage from the capitalist employers to avoid starving.

Warren Buffet, the celebrated and worshipped billionaire sage put it succinctly: “There’s class warfare, all right. But it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

Buffet is right. For now. This class war will inevtably lead to a new stage. And then all bets will be off.

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