Socialist candidate for Calif. Gov. vows to fight anti-LGBT bigotry

Carlos Alvarez is the Peace and Freedom candidate running for Calif. Governor. He is also a member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.VotePSL_2010 campaign brochure

The Carlos Alvarez Campaign for Governor stands firmly against homophobia and all forms of bigotry. The recent wave of LGBT youth suicides, especially teenagers in California, is further evidence that a militant movement to beat back homophobia is needed.

Alvarez said, “Anti-LGBT bullying on campuses, police harassment of LGBT youth, and backward, right-wing hysteria must be stopped in order to save the lives of our young sisters and brothers who identify as LGBT. I believe that we must revive a militant movement that will fight for LGBT equality in the streets.”

Alvarez went on, “Even though we must remain in the streets fighting for LGBT liberation, there are a few measures that I would take as Governor to ensure increased tolerance in schools. I would implement programs in elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools that would mandate education about LGBT history, the LGBT community, homophobia, and other topics so that the ongoing dehumanization of LGBT youth can be stopped. I would also mandate education on racism and sexism, their historical roots, and the movements that combat them. Any bullying on the basis of any type of bigotry would be grounds for immediate expulsion.”

Alvarez concluded, “I would like to congratulate everyone who participated in ‘Spirit Day’ and the associated vigils and rallies to commemorate our fallen sisters and brothers. To the LGBT youth and allies that remain I would like to say that you are far more valuable than those that would like to demoralize you and bring you down.”

The Alvarez campaign recognizes all forms of bigotry, including homophobia, as a means employed by the ruling class to divide us and keep us separated. The campaign calls on all members of the LGBT community and all straight workers to unite and fight back until every semblance of homophobia is stamped out. 

Vote socialist in November! Vote Peace and Freedom Party!  

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