Student suspended over pro-LGBT shirt

A student at Ramsey Junior High School in Fort Smith, Ark., was suspended from school for three days after she refused to change out of a shirt with pro-LGBT slogans written on it. School administrators are attempting to mask their homophobia and have absurdly called her clothing “disruptive.”

The shirt said “proud to be a lesbian,” “100% gay pride,” and “support homosexual love.” These statements challenge bigotry, but do not in any way interfere with the normal functioning of the school. The student’s father supported his daughter by saying, “It’s not profane. It’s not vulgar and if it offends somebody they need to get over it.” (, Oct. 14)

Homophobia is what is really disruptive in schools. Constant harassment makes it impossible for LGBT students to take full advantage of learning opportunities. Students wearing pro-gay T-shirts at school, despite threats or suspensions, are part of a larger movement to fight back against discrimination.

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