Year: 2009

Severe drought in Mexico exacerbates poverty, inequity

Severe drought in Mexico exacerbates poverty, inequity

Mexico is suffering though its worst drought in decades. Mexico City, the mega-metropolitan area with a population of 20 million,…
Study documents routine violations of workers’ rights

Study documents routine violations of workers’ rights

The rights of workers in this country are routinely violated, according to a Sept. 2 report entitled "Broken Laws, Unprotected…
Massive NATO bombs kill Afghanis receiving fuel

Massive NATO bombs kill Afghanis receiving fuel

On Friday, Sept. 4, NATO fighter jets, responding to a request from German coalition forces, dropped two 500-pound bombs on…
One million reasons capitalism has to go

One million reasons capitalism has to go

School districts across the country are reporting 75 to 100 percent increases in the number of enrolled schoolchildren experiencing homelessness…
New Orleans workers still neglected four years after Katrina

New Orleans workers still neglected four years after Katrina

It has been four years since the worst natural disaster of this decade. On Aug. 29, 2005, Category 5 Hurricane…
Outdated federal guidelines obscure rampant U.S. poverty

Outdated federal guidelines obscure rampant U.S. poverty

Outdated poverty guidelines have been used to measure poverty and assess social welfare programs in the United States for the…
Socialist Cuba innovates to increase agricultural production

Socialist Cuba innovates to increase agricultural production

Strangled by the U.S. economic blockade and having suffered great damage from three hurricanes last year, socialist Cuba is actively…
U.S. infant mortality and child poverty rates soar

U.S. infant mortality and child poverty rates soar

The United States has one of the world’s worst rates of infant mortality, teenage pregnancy and child poverty among capitalist…
‘Es la hora del recuento y de la marcha unida’

‘Es la hora del recuento y de la marcha unida’

Esta reflexión no va dirigida a los gobiernos sino a los pueblos hermanos de América Latina. Mañana 28 de agosto…
NYC City Council Member Charles Barron: Fire Bloomberg, Hire Frances!

NYC City Council Member Charles Barron: Fire Bloomberg, Hire Frances!

On Saturday, August 29, parents, teachers and education advocates launched the Coalition for Public Education at a convention held at…
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