Year: 2012

Israel: masquerading as the victim of an unprovoked attack

Israel: masquerading as the victim of an unprovoked attack

“Israel wants peace, but it cannot find a partner for peace,” is endlessly repeated by Israeli leaders but opposite is…
Bambu: It goes beyond a conscious rap song

Bambu: It goes beyond a conscious rap song

With his music and community organizing, Bambu too has been at war with imperialism, police brutality, capitalism and patriarchy—promoting revolution…
Big Oil threatens Everglades with fracking

Big Oil threatens Everglades with fracking

Fracking is linked to climate change in the long term but has the immediate effect of water contamination. In other…
Capitalism wastes human potential

Capitalism wastes human potential

Decades-old budget cuts, Wall Street excesses and assaults on unions have created a spiral of few education options and unemployment…
New Medicare policy punishes hospitals for readmissions

New Medicare policy punishes hospitals for readmissions

No patient wants to be re-admitted, and hospitals that serve poor communities also want to streamline discharges. But the real…
Greenhouse gases soar as climate politics stall

Greenhouse gases soar as climate politics stall

The year 2011 marked yet another increase pushing the global climate ever closer to a potentially catastrophic shift in weather…
Over 100 workers killed in Bangladesh factory fire

Over 100 workers killed in Bangladesh factory fire

In yet another example of capitalism’s sickening disregard for human life, 111 workers died in an enormous factory fire that…
Health workers sentenced by Bahrain court

Health workers sentenced by Bahrain court

Mainstream media have been silent about the sentencing of medical workers in Bahrain, convicted of treating protesters injured by government…
Fast food workers say: ‘Fifteen an hour—we have the power!’

Fast food workers say: ‘Fifteen an hour—we have the power!’

"We can't survive on $7.25!” This was the theme of the day, as 200 fast food workers, joined by hundreds…
Another Black teen shot down in Florida

Another Black teen shot down in Florida

On Nov. 23 at a Jacksonville gas station, another racist killing took place in Florida having important parallels to the…
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