Year: 2015

Hundreds Protest Donald Trump Outside NBC studios in NYC
Militant Journalism

Hundreds Protest Donald Trump Outside NBC studios in NYC

The message of the organizations was that the racism and hatred spewed by Trump needs to end and that NBC…
Video: Understanding the social theory of the State and Revolution

Video: Understanding the social theory of the State and Revolution

Eugene Puryear speaks on the new publication "Revolution Manifesto: Understanding Marx and Lenin's Theory of Revolution."
AKP regains parliamentary majority after general elections in Turkey

AKP regains parliamentary majority after general elections in Turkey

Having regained the ability to dominate parliament and given the state of the opposition in parliament, AKP will surely tighten…
Trump is like a tumor — ignoring it makes it worse

Trump is like a tumor — ignoring it makes it worse

Trump is the new face of American-style fascism. He doesn't have to be identical to Hitler or Mussolini to say…
Islanders unite to resist a new Pacific war
Guest Analysis

Islanders unite to resist a new Pacific war

"Last September, I attended a remarkable gathering in Okinawa of impassioned young people from all over the Asia-Pacific."
Palestinians resist latest Zionist campaign of removal

Palestinians resist latest Zionist campaign of removal

Since October 1st, 72 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army.
Columbia, SC: Replacing cops won’t cure structural racism

Columbia, SC: Replacing cops won’t cure structural racism

Can victory be achieved by discarding a few bad apples, or should we uproot the entire tree?
Sacramento: Unity against police brutality
Militant Journalism

Sacramento: Unity against police brutality

As the 16th year of solidarity nationwide passed, Sacramento residents honored the lives lost at the hands of police.
La lucha continues beyond elections

La lucha continues beyond elections

San Francisco's future will be determined by the people's movement, not elections.
Korean Americans are reclaiming their history through culture
Guest statements

Korean Americans are reclaiming their history through culture

Legacies of the Korean War, an online oral-history project that documents the stories of Korean American survivors of the war…
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