ALBA resolution supports Puerto Rican independence

The leaders of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) passed a special resolution on Feb. 5 that declared support for the Puerto Rican people’s right to self-determination and full independence from the United States. It also called for freedom for all political prisoners who fought for the independence of the island.

The resolution, read to ALBA by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, states that Puerto Rico, being a Caribbean and Latin American nation, has its own unique history. The resolution went on to say that a free Puerto Rico is important for the unity and integration of the Latin American and Caribbean countries.

ALBA, a bloc of several Latin American countries including Venezuela and Cuba, was founded in 2004 as a way to overcome the financial and political dominance of the United States in Latin America.

It is the inalienable right of all colonized and oppressed peoples to self-determination and independence from the stranglehold of imperialism.

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