Celebrating the life of Pete Seeger

Pete Seeger, the prominent folk singer and activist, passed away on January 27.  He was 94 years old.

Seeger was part of a generation of U.S. folk musicians, alongside Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, Malvina Reynolds, Phil Ochs and others, who devoted their art to the struggles of oppressed people everywhere.

With the group The Almanac Singers, he sang of the plight of workers under capitalism, and the importance of labor unions in advancing their cause.  He made a clarion call for unity, denouncing racism, red-baiting, and all other forms of hatred and bigotry which kept workers divided and weakened.

Later, as a member of the renowned folk ensemble The Weavers, Seeger faced McCarthyist repression for unapologetically championing left-wing and communist political causes, including desegregation, workers’ rights, and demilitarization.

For Seeger, art and politics shared a common cause – the emancipation of all people from exploitation, poverty, war and bigotry, and consequently the ability to develop themselves and their respective cultures to their highest potential.  He was a member of the Young Communist League beginning in the 1930’s, and then the Communist Party throughout the 40’s, and 50’s.  But even after leaving the party, he remained committed to the defense of the environment, the ending of wars, and the dismantling of racism and colonialism.

In a time of tremendous racial conflict at home and predatory wars abroad, Pete Seeger used his public platform to promote the culture of the oppressed and marginalized – peoples who helped build a nation, and enriched it with their artistic and intellectual traditions.  He nurtured a profound respect for both the musical and the political voices of African Americans, as well as poor and exploited whites.

He also provided a forum for cultural internationalism. From the classic delta blues of Mississippi John Hurt, to the calypso of Trinidad’s Lord Invader, to the Vietnamese songs of Pham Duy, Seeger was always eager to help build a community of people playing and listening to the songs and experiences of all the world’s people.

Pete Seeger PRESENTE!

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