Despite massive NATO bombing, Libyans defended sovereignty


After more than 9,000 bombing raids on
Libya, NATO forces have overthrown the country’s sovereign
government and brutally executed leader Muammar Gaddafi. Along the
way, they have reduced much of the country, which had been booming
with industry and agriculture, to rubble.

Over these last seven months, however,
despite the NATO attacks and terror campaigns by rebel forces,
resistance fighters have struggled courageously, particularly in
Sirte and Bani Walid, against the neo-colonial takeover of their
country. This struggle is likely to continue even after the summary
execution of Gaddafi, but what form it will take is still uncertain.

The rebels first tried to capture the
coastal city of Sirte on March 5, but were defeated in Bin Jawad, a
town to the east. Having suffered serious casualties, on Oct. 7
rebels announced a “final” all-out assault on Sirte, although it
was the fourth time such an assault had been announced. These
assaults are composed of rocket, mortar and missile attacks as well
as aerial bombings.

Over the last two months, the NTC has
prevented civilians in Sirte from accessing water, food, electricity
and other basic human needs in an effort to weaken the resistance.
Vital infrastructure, such as sewage treatment systems, have also
been bombed, as well as hotels and apartment complexes. On Oct. 6,
warplanes bombed the medical center in Sirte.

In Bani Walid, which is to the
southwest of Tripoli, rebels have faced enormous difficulty subduing
the Warfalla, Libya’s largest tribe, who were fiercely loyal to the
sovereign government. During September, the rebels gave the Warfalla
tribe numerous deadlines to surrender.

When the rebels first tried to enter
the town on Sept. 10, they were immediately repelled. The rebels
retreated and called for NATO bombings. After nearly one month of
continuous bombings, on Oct. 9 the NTC took control of the Bani Walid
airport. On Oct. 17,
they claimed to have entered into the town.

Media report false stories

It has been almost impossible for
outside observers to know exactly what the situation was like in
Libya. Not only the mainstream media, but also the non-corporate
liberal media such as Democracy Now! have repeatedly reported false
information. One of the earliest instances was when the rebels
“confirmed” the capture of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi on Aug. 21.
After the false reports, he boldly
showed up to the Tripoli hotel where press conferences are usually
held and talked to reporters and supporters.

Then, on Sept. 25, media outlets began
running stories about a mass grave being uncovered in Abu Salim,
supposedly containing the remains of 2,000 victims from a 1995 prison
massacre. While nearly every media outlet ran with the initial story,
very few reported later that the remains actually turned out to be
camel bones.

Sept. 29, it was reported widely that Moussa Ibrahim, Minister of
Information for the Gaddafi government, had been captured. But on
Oct. 1 the NTC admitted that he was not in captivity.

Resistance was not limited to Sirte
and Bani Walid

The NTC is still struggling to
establish military and political authority in Libya, including in
Tripoli. On Oct. 14, pro-Gaddafi protests were held in Tripoli.
NATO-backed rebels armed with machine guns surrounded the protesters,
who were carrying the green flag of sovereign Libya, and a major gun
battle erupted.

NTC head Mahmoud Jibril effectively
conceded to thesupport that Gaddafi had just days before his summary
execution, telling the Asharq al-Awsat newspaper
that “Gaddafi has two options: either to destabilize any new regime
in Libya or to declare a separate state in the south.”

At a press conference on Oct. 10, Col.
Roland Lavoie, a NATO spokesperson, expressed surprise at
the level of resistance encountered by pro-NTC forces. Despite
political, military and economic support from the world’s
imperialist powers, including over 9,500 bombing
missions, the rebels have faced a continuous intense battle to
establish authority over Libya.

It must be remembered, however, that
the rebels lacked popular support from the very beginning. Even the
Washington Post, which has supported the war on Libya since day one,
wrote in an Oct. 15 story that “Under Gaddafi, Sirte grew from a
sleepy fishing village to a city of 100,000, favored with some of the
country’s finest buildings and public services.” Indeed, Libya
was effectively a social welfare state at the time of the February

Although Obama stated in March that
regime change “is not something we can afford to repeat in Libya”,
that was the goal from the very beginning. And now that NATO’s
forces have killed Gaddafi, it has announced that it will end its
bombing campaign against Libya.

Gaddafi’s brutal execution and the
capture of Sirte and Bani Walid no doubt mark a historic setback for
the Libyan people. What remains to be seen is how these events will
impact the struggle for Libyan sovereignty.

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