Detroit census highlights housing overproduction

Recently released data from the 2010 census reveals a staggering
decline in Detroit’s population and living standard. Once symbolic
of the industrial strength of the United States, these findings
confirm that the city has been decimated by capitalism.

Over the last decade one in four residents moved away, bringing
the total population down to only 713,777. Roughly 19,000 of those
who stayed in the city are homeless. Outrageously, the census also
found that there are more than 38,000 vacant homes in Detroit.

The frenzied pace of production in pursuit of ever greater returns eventually creates more commodities that can be sold for a profit. Unable to unload their inventories, the bosses slash jobs and cut production. This creates a situation like Detroit’s, where there are
huge numbers of unoccupied homes yet thousands without a roof over their heads. Crises of overproduction and the absurdity of want amid plenty can only be eliminated with the overthrow of the capitalist system

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