Did You Know: Roseanne Barr & 27-Year-Old Black Woman Are Running For President

There’s so much focus on President Obama and his Republican running mate, Mitt Romney, that the other nine candidates may not have even crossed your radar. Yes, there are nine other candidates to choose from of the Independent Party, just in case you don’t want to vote for frontrunners Obama and Romney.

There are three other women on the ballot for president–Jill Stein, Roseanne Barr and Peta Lindsay. Both Barr and Lindsay stand out to me because well it’s Roseann and Peta is a black woman who is only 27-years-old!

Roseanne is a part of the Peace and Freedom ticket. According to her site, Barr is using her candidacy to tap into the frustrations voters have with both parties. The Peace and Freedom Party is committed to socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism and racial equality–all amazing things that most women should be paying attention to the election. Barr wants to live in a world where women have equal rights and all people are fed, clothed and have a place to call home. This all sounds great, but it’s sad that many of us had no idea this party even existed.

Much less that a black woman was running as well! Peta represents something that is normally unseen in politics–a young black woman, with a voice. Even though she has no chance of winning, Lindsay is still running based on Socialism and Liberation. As an activist, Lindsay offers a voice for the people like me and you, who are lower than middle class, working hard and are of color. We scored an exclusive interview with Peta about what issues she believes in, what she stands for and why she’s running for president, so stay tuned!

With women on the ballot, has your vote changed?

Originally published by Hello Beautiful

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