Hartford Conn. March Against Monsanto

Members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation joined with one hundred people from various environmental and activist groups who came out to protest agribusiness giant Monsanto Corporation on Oct. 12, as part of the second internationally coordinated March Against Monsanto.

Protesters gathered at Bushnell Park in Hartford, Conn. to march around the park and then to the Capital building. Chants included “They say Round Up—we say stand up!” and “Monsanto poisons the public well—we’re not buying what they sell!” Monsanto produces many pesticides, including Round Up, which routinely pollute the environment. The corporation also genetically modifies seeds and produce.

PSL members handed out literature and signs that said “Monsanto is the symptom, Capitalism is the Disease, Revolution is the Cure!” making the point that it is not just one company, but the entire system that needs change.

Some participants dressed as bees to bring attention to the fact that large bee populations are being killed off by Monsanto-produced pesticides. During the rally on the State Capitol steps, Shannon Watson from the Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance spoke about Monsanto’s development and the government’s use of Agent Orange, a chemical dumped on the people of Vietnam. Over 20 millions gallons were dropped, killing upwards of 400,000 people and leaving the country devastated with pollutants to this day. Veterans and their family members are also coping with diseases caused by the use of these chemicals and still fighting for benefits from the U.S government. Watson said, “The government lied about that then, so why should I ever believe them now?”

Building a system that would not allow corporations like Monsanto to operate for profit while disregarding the needs of the people is what is needed. That message, brought by members of the PSL, resonated with many participants at Hartford’s March Against Monsanto.

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