Help socialists on the ballot-donate now

In recent weeks the Gloria La Riva for President campaign has made some incredible advances. Each has enabled us to reach thousands more people with the message of revolutionary socialism, but this momentum can only continue if we have funds!

Socialist campaigns of course receive no support from Wall Street or Corporate America. This is entirely made possible by our supporters. If half of our supporters donated just $5 right now we could distribute hundreds of thousands of flyers to get out the vote across the country.

Please do your part to help by supporting the donation drive!

What has the campaign already accomplished with our funds?

Gloria La Riva and legendary Native American activist Dennis Banks will appear on the California, Colorado, Iowa and New Mexico ballots!

The 2016 election campaign marks first time that PSL has appeared on the ballot in New Mexico. In fact, leading ballot access expert Richard Winger has pointed out, “This will be the first time since 1992 that any party with ‘socialist’ or ‘socialism’ in its name has been on the New Mexico ballot.”

The monumental task of petitioning and qualifying for the ballots was only possible because the people are hungry for change, and the financial assistance we received from our supporters.

La Riva and Black Lives Matter leader Eugene Puryear will appear on the Louisiana, New Jersey, Vermont and Washington ballots!

Looking at any number of realities in these states will convince you of the necessity for socialism. New Jersey is home to Camden, the country’s poorest city. Louisiana faces environmental catastrophes but is neglected by the state. Washington’s housing crisis continues with an estimated 60,000 homeless children. Now the voters in these states have the chance to vote against the capitalist system with our revolutionary candidates.

In order to continue these campaign advancements, we are asking our supporters to take one minute and donate today!

PSL candidates gain the support of Peace & Freedom and Liberty Union parties!

Our socialist presidential candidates are the only ones to have received the nomination of three independent ballot qualified parties! La Riva and Puryear were chosen by the Liberty Union party and will appear on the Vermont ballot as its presidential and VP candidates. In California the socialist Peace and Freedom Party chose La Riva and Banks to represent them.

We depend on the generosity of our supporters access the ballots, and build a dynamic, socialist presidential campaign. You can make a difference by donating today!

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