Help us print and distribute an Anti-war Emergency Issue of Liberation newspaper

 Which paper would you want the people of this country to be
 Which paper would you want the people of this country to be reading right now?

We are at the brink of a new war in the Middle East, and the U.S. government, along with the corporate media, are working hard to convince an extremely skeptical population to endorse military action.

The anti-war movement must respond. Our writers and layout team have been working around the clock to produce a 4-page full-color tabloid newspaper to expose the war propaganda and reveal the true aims of the war. Getting out the truth is the first step, the foundation, for the anti-war movement to come to life again.

We need your help to get this urgently needed literature into the hands of tens of thousands of people, in schools, workplaces, neighborhoods and military barracks across the country. To print a massive order, with express shipping, costs thousands of dollars.

If you believe in this effort, and want to show your support, please make a donation right now. A $100 gift helps us print and ship 500 copies, and every contribution helps.

If you are interested in purchasing a bulk order of the Anti-war Emergency Issue, please use the following form. PSL members and friends have volunteered their time this weekend so we can fulfill all orders right away. Order 20 copies of the Anti-war Emergency Issue for just $5!

The people of the country oppose another war. What is needed now are people to step forward and contribute their time and resources to organize this sentiment into a movement. The time to act is now.

To help print thousands of copies of the Anti-war Emergency Issue of Liberation, follow this link. Thank you!

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