Hugo Chávez, Presente!

To comrade Nicolás Maduro and the people of Venezuela:

It is with the profoundest sorrow that we in the Party for Socialism and Liberation (U.S.) learn of the death of Comandante President Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías.

Words cannot describe the enormous blow and loss that we, along with the Venezuelan and Cuban masses and the revolutionary peoples of the world, suffer with his passing.

Chávez’s determined will to win a new Venezuela transformed not only your homeland for the betterment of the people, it also opened the road for a united and sovereign Latin America and the Caribbean.

In these sad moments we are remembering Chávez’s youthful spirit in 1992 as he courageously took on the old regime to vindicate the people, and thus lit a revolutionary flame that can never be extinguished. His humble roots, devoted love for his people, determined will for justice, and political acumen forged a revolutionary spirit in a man who never stopped fighting for Venezuela and a socialist future. His international solidarity gained many new alliances, so necessary in a world fraught with growing imperialist aggression.

Chávez is gone physically but his inspiration and example live on in the hearts of a combative Venezuelan people and all those who fight for true justice.

Brothers and sisters, we mourn alongside you the irreplaceable loss of our dear Chávez.

We extend our fullest solidarity to you and your comrades as you work arduously to defend and extend all the gains that Comandante Chávez inspired and fought for.

We have complete confidence that the Venezuelan people — workers, peasants, students, Indigenous communities, women, soldiers, intellectuals — those struggling for a socialist and sovereign Venezuela, will win.

Compañero Maduro and the government of Venezuela, we wish to assure you our revolutionary support and commitment to defend the Bolivarian Revolution within the United States, as we also continue our fight for socialism at home.

Read on the statement written by PSL leader Gloria La Riva in the hours prior to the news that President Chávez had died.

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