Movement to free Chelsea Manning enters new phase

Now more than ever it is important to stand in solidarity with Pvt. Chelsea Manning as she faces an outrageously punitive 35-year sentence for exposing U.S. war crimes.

As is now well known, on Aug. 22, the day after the sentencing verdict for the court-martial of United States v. PFC Bradley E. Manning, Manning announced that she would like to begin to be known publicly by the name of Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, pursue hormone therapy and be referred to with female pronouns.

In an article posted on the website of the newly renamed Private Manning Support Network, Manning’s lawyer, David Edward Coombs, writes: “While PVT Manning wants supporters to acknowledge and respect her gender identity as she proceeds into the post-trial state of her life, she also expects that the name Bradley Manning and the male pronoun will continue to be used in certain instances.  These instances include any reference to the trial, in legal documents, in communication with the government, in the current petition to the White House calling for clemency, and on the envelope of letters written to her by supporters. She also expects that many old photos and graphics will remain in use for the time being.

“In response to PVT Manning’s announcement, the Bradley Manning Support Network is changing its name to the Private Manning Support Network, and will work on changing other frequently used parts of its website and materials to incorporate the name Chelsea and the female pronoun.  However, completing this process may take some time.”

Manning is a true people’s hero. Her courageous whistle-blowing shed the light of truth on U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The sentence she faces is intended to crush her and serve as a warning to others, like Edward Snowden, who would also blow the whistle on war crimes and violations of the Constitution. It is incumbent on all progressive and revolutionary people to intensify our efforts to secure her freedom.

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