Newt Gingrich, Sheldon Adelson and the best democracy money can buy

Gingrich is distributing a new ad titled “The King of Bain,” attacking his
chief rival Mitt Romney. The ad, while praising capitalism, labels Romney an
“unethical” and “predatory” capitalist.

accusations against Romney are of course accurate. As the CEO of Bain Co., he
oversaw the takeover and looting of several companies in typical corporate merger
fashion, resulting in thousands of workers being thrown out on the street. That
the accusations are coming from a slime ball like Gingrich, who as Speaker of
the House of Representatives in the 1990s spearheaded the drive to deprive
millions of poor people of income, food stamps and other essential benefits,
highlights the extraordinary cynicism of U.S. mainstream politics in 2012.

more, the advertisements are funded by a $5 million donation from the
oh-so-ethical casino baron billionaire Sheldon Adelson.

is Adelson throwing his money Gingrich’s way? A key factor is Gingrich’s
all-out support for the apartheid state of Israel and his position that the
Palestinians are, in his racist formulation, “an invented people.” Adelson is a
major funder of the extreme right-wing in Israel. He has poured hundreds of
millions of dollars into projects including illegal Israeli settlements and
support for Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and his Likud party.

law, one can only give up to $2,500 per election to a Federal candidate, but
last year’s notorious Citizens United Supreme Court case allows for
unlimited donations by banks, corporations and the super-rich to “Super
PACs.” These can then take out “independent” advertisements on a
candidate’s behalf. Just as with their other investments, the super-rich expect
a healthy return on their campaign contributions.

each corporate candidate tries to demonstrate their “common touch,”
the millionaires and billionaires behind them call the shots. Today more than
ever, this is the best democracy money can buy.

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