No war on Iran!

The ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism,) of which the Party for Socialism and Liberation is a member, was among the many national organizations mobilizing for the Feb. 4 National Day of Action to say “No War On Iran: No intervention, no sanctions, no assassination.” Following are reports from some of the numerous actions across the United States.

Albuquerque, N.M.

Protesters in Albuquerque joined a militant picket line Feb. 4 to protest U.S. war threats against Iran. The protest, initiated by ANSWER New Mexico, drew over 65 people who joined in solidarity with the National Day of Action. Activists demanding no war on Iran included members of Veterans for Peace, Stop the War Machine, the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, Students for Justice in Palestine and Coalition to Stop $30 Billion to Israel.

Speakers stressed the urgent need to show solidarity with the people of Iran at this time and to defend its sovereignty. Speakers agreed that the real driving force behind the threats of war against Iran is regime change and control of Iran’s vast oil resources. The diverse assembly of anti-war protesters carried signs pledging to organize against U.S. threats of all-out war against Iran. Protesters chanted, “Same lies, same plan. No war on Iran!” to vehicles driving by and honking in support.

“The people of Iran have the right to self-determination,” ANSWER N.M. organizer Preston Wood said. “The U.S. wants to return to the brutal days of the Shah, who was a murdering puppet of the U.S. and its imperialist allies. Let’s stand in solidarity with the people of Iran and build a broad movement against the imperialists and their client state, Israel. … We need billions for jobs, health care, and education, not for another bloody war of conquest in the Middle East.”

The protest captured attention from the community, including coverage by local television channel 4.


Over 150 people came out to support the call for a National Day of Action against a War on Iran. There was a short rally at Federal Plaza with all speakers denouncing sanctions and U.S. threats against the Iranian people.

ANSWER Chicago handed out placards and fact sheets about who the real threat to peace is—Wall Street, Washington and the Pentagon. “Hands off Iran and Syria!” was the central message of the protest.

After the rally, there was a march up State Street in downtown Chicago to bring the anti-war message to the people. “We’re fired up. Won’t take it no more. We need money for jobs, Not for War!” was the most popular of the chants and brought bystanders into the mix.

Marchers also stopped to chant “We are the 99 percent” in solidarity with protesting nurses who are fighting for a fair contract at Walgreens stores.

The protest was endorsed by groups from across the city of Chicago including the American Muslim Alliance, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Chicago Area Peace Action, Chicago World Can’t Wait, Code Pink, Committee Against Political Repression, Gay Liberation Network and Midwest Anti-War Mobilization.

New Haven, Conn.

Over 60 people gathered at the steps of the Federal Building in New Haven. on the National Day of Action to say, “No War on Iran.” Progressive activists came from all over the state to protest the economic sanctions and U.S./Israeli-led war on Iran. Passersby joined the march and honked in support of the demand for no war on Iran.

Kerry Ellington, a member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation in New Haven stated, “The U.S. spends billions of dollars on war overseas while cutting all funding for education and jobs!” She added, “The U.S. has the highest prison population in the world, now it’s going to imprison the people of Iran by imposing economic sanctions that will deprive them of basic needs!”

The demonstrators ended the rally chanting, “No war! No sanctions!” and “Money for jobs and education, not for war and incarceration!”

There were many speakers from groups around Connecticut including, Occupy New Haven, UNAC, Middle East Crisis Committee, the Peace Council and the Party for Socialism and Liberation Conn. The event was organized by ANSWER Conn.

New York

On Feb 4, 400-500 peace, anti-war and Occupy Wall Street activists gathered at 46th and Broadway, the middle of Times Square, in a show of unity on the National Day of Action. Because of the urgent nature and speed in which the demonstration was put together there was no permit; therefore, protesters used the “people’s mic” to amplify the message of the dozens of organizations who gave solidarity statements to the crowd before the march began. Debra Sweet from World Can’t Wait chaired the event and many organizations showed their militant and steadfast defense of the right of the Islamic Republic of Iran to live free from the influence of Wall Street and the U.S. government’s never-ending quest for markets and profits.

Yari Osorio of the ANSWER Coalition (and also the vice-presidential candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation) spoke of the hypocrisy of the U.S. government when it comes to Iran, a country which has zero nuclear weapons, regularly allows inspections of its facilities and has signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty while Israel has over 150 nuclear weapons, does not allow international regulators and will not sign the NPT. Osorio highlighted that the biggest threat to world peace is U.S imperialism.

After the opening rally, protesters marched loudly without a permit down to 46th sSt.reet and First aAve.nue in front of the United Nations, chanting: “Not another nickel! Not Another dime! No more money for Israel’s crimes!” “No justice! No peace! U.S out of the Middle East!” “Hey Obama can’t you see?! Iran will keep its soverignty!” and “They say more war! We say NO war!”

After a small speak-out at the U.N., protesters marched down to the Israeli mission where another small speak-out was held.

Los Angeles

In Los Angeles, close to 300 people attended a rally on the busy street corner of Wilshire and Western in Los Angeles. Students, workers, Occupy LA protesters and veterans came out , chanting, “No new war in Iran” and “Troops out of Afghanistan.” Sha Azedi, an organizer with the ANSWER Coalition spoke at the rally, defending Iran’s right to sovereignty and condemning the demonization of the country as propaganda for U.S. imperialism.

Jim Lafferty of the National Lawyers Guild also spoke to the crowd and made it clear that “There is no legitimate legal or political reasoning for the escalation of war measures against Iran. Like Iraq this is a war for profit.” Police then stepped in and attempted to take the microphone and stop him from speaking, but failed when protesters jumped in to defend his right to free speech and forced the police away from the rally. Other speakers included veterans from March Forward! and organizers from Code Pink which both echoed the same message demanding an end to the sanctions and assassinations against the country.

The militant rally ended with the resounding message that no more money should go to criminal wars and occupations that perpetuate the oppression of workers in other countries.

Phoenix, Ariz.

Over 50 participants in the National Day of Action gathered at Cesar Chavez Plaza for a demonstration called by the ANSWER Coalition in Phoenix and endorsed by a wide variety of progressive organizations. An opening rally was held where speakers condemned the campaign of demonization against the people of Iran carried out by the corporate media. After the rally concluded, a march proceeded toward central Phoenix, near stores, convention centers and surrounding financial buildings. As a whole, throughout the rally and protest, there was a notable spirit of multinational unity, solidarity and unequivocal opposition to imperialist war.

Richmond, Va.

Long-time anti-war activists and new people alike gathered in front of the Federal Courthouse on East Broad Street in Richmond, Va., for a noon demonstration to demand an end to U.S. aggression against Iran. Numbering around 30 people, the protesters held signs saying “No war on Iran,” and “We need jobs and schools—Not war” as cars drove by honking in support. The protest was attended by members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, World Can’t Wait, Occupy Richmond and the Defenders for Freedom, Justice and Equality. One of the organizers concluded the demonstration by reading a fact sheet about American and Israeli imperialism and Iran.

Sacramento, Calif.

Sacramento ANSWER Coalition put out a call to join in the National Day of Action on the Feb 4 to oppose any form of action against Iran at the Memorial Auditorium in down town Sacramento. Dozens of people showed up to let their voices be heard that Iran is not the enemy, and the focus needs to be on jobs at home. Members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Peace and Freedom Party, Sacramento Peace Action, and some of the local occupiers spoke out at an open mic session.

San Francisco

About 600 protesters gathered at Powell and Market Streets to express their opposition to the escalated U.S. and Israeli aggression towards Iran and to counter the demonization campaign against the country.

An enormous hand made banner reading “No War on Iran” was visible from blocks away and dramatically conveyed the essential message of the demonstration to passersby. The demands of the demonstration were: “No war, no sanctions, no intervention and no assassinations,” the last referring to the murders of Iranian nuclear scientists on Iranian soil. The crowd was diverse and made up of different political forces. Occupy San Francisco endorsed and promoted the action, and many Occupy protesters took part in the demonstration.


Over 100 people gathered in downtown Seattle for a street rally on Feb. 4 to demand “No War on Iran!” Jane Cutter of ANSWER Seattle and Emma Kaplan from World Can’t Wait co-chaired the rally. Other speakers included Jeff Paterson from Courage To Resist, Tim Bedwell from March Forward and Seth Manzel of Iraq Veterans Against the War. Participants included many veterans, Iranian-Americans and Occupy Seattle activists. Following the rally, demonstrators took to the streets in a spirited march, chanting, “Same lies, same plan, no war on Iran!” The march concluded at KIRO TV-7, where participants held a speak-out against biased media coverage regarding Iran.

Washington, D.C.

As part of the National Day of Action to oppose a new war on Iran, the ANSWER Coalition initiated a protest in front of the White House. A huge picket line was formed by the anti-war activists, Iranian-Americans and others who joined.

The rally was co-chaired by Eugene Puryear and Heather Benno, both organizers with the ANSWER Coalition. A featured speaker was William Blum, author of “Killing Hope” and “Rogue State,” who has written extensively about Iran.

Media from around the world came to cover the protest, including several Iranian media outlets, Russia TV, Hispanic TV, media from Kazakhstan, and many others.

Contributing to this report: Salma Elshakre, Nicholas DeFilippis, Marco Sanchez, Antschel Siqueiros, Yvonne Bonilla, Sarah Sloan, Yari Osorio, Jim Rudd, John Hershey, Deb Malatesta and Jane Cutter.

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