PSL demands LGBT equality at Long Beach Pride

On May 22, the Party for Socialism and Liberation joined the ANSWER Coalition in leading a militant contingent demanding LGBT equality at the 2011 Long Beach Pride parade. Amongst a myriad of colors, ANSWER Los Angeles kicked off Pride season with the same fight-back sentiment as the original demonstration in 1970.

Being out and proud in the streets has been a vehicle for social change in the LGBT movement starting with the Stonewall Rebellion of 1969. This historic event marked the militant beginnings of the modern LGBT equality movement in the United States, as people fought back against a system of persecution and police terror. Now, LGBT Pride parades are held across the world, denouncing homophobia and continuing the struggle for full equality.

In Long Beach, the powerful ANSWER and PSL contingent lead many chants and called out anti-gay bigots along the parade route. Many onlookers joined in demanding, “Bigots, bigots, bigots go home!” and “Gay, straight, black, white—marriage is a civil right.” Some joined the contingent along the route under the banner of “Marriage Equality Now!” Other PSL signs highlighted the need for immigrant equality and denouncing violence against poor people by the Long Beach Police Department.

Institutionalized discrimination is not a struggle to be waged simply at a broken ballot box or in a court room—the way to gain LGBT and all workers’ rights is to keep the movement in the streets.

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