PSL WikiBrief: U.S. government lies about the role of Cubans in Venezuela

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A diplomatic cable from the U.S. embassy in Caracas, Venezuela arrogantly titled “Cuba/Venezuela Axis of Mischief,” distorts Cuba’s internationalist policies in an attempt to discredit the revolutionary government of Hugo Chavez.

The paranoid report, citing “anti-Chavez military officers” and “industry contacts”, alleges Cuban interference in the Venezuelan military, government ministries, electoral system and intelligence agencies. 

Not only is it hypocritical for the United States, which has orchestrated coups and propped up dictatorships around the world, to criticize Cuba for infringing on another nation’s sovereignty, their assessment of Cuban policy is entirely inaccurate. The Cubans in Venezuela are primarily involved in social work, especially the medical program Barrio Adentro. This program has provided free healthcare to millions with the help of nearly 30,000 Cuban doctors and healthcare workers.

The U.S. government spreads this slander because it recognizes the threat Cuba-Venezuela cooperation poses to the imperialist domination of Latin America. The relationship between these two countries is based on solidarity and cooperation, an attractive alternative to U.S. imperialism.

This cable also shows that not everything in the diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks is accurate or even factual. The way that U.S. diplomats talk with each other is often laden with lies and the same propaganda spin that they promote in the corporate media.

Click here to read the full cable released by WikiLeaks.

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