PSL presidential candidate looks to advance cause, not win election

Third party candidates generally don’t get much publicity and most of the time, they don’t get enough votes to make a difference in a presidential election.

But advancing the cause is reason enough for one third party candidate to run. Peta Lindsay is the candidate of the party of Socialism and Liberation.

Lindsay is on the ballot in 13 states, including New York, and says that’s been one of the most difficult parts of running for president.

“The two party system is a rigged game. It’s rigged against working people. It’s just another way for the one percent to exercise their power over the rest of us.”

Lindsay stopped to visit with party members and speak to some Syracuse University classes recently, saying her party is an activist party that basically stands for workers.

“The wealth of this country was created by the working people of this country so we believe that wealth should be used to provide the things those working people need.”

So the party has a 10 point plan that would do things like make a job, health care, housing and education a constitutional right. It also calls for an immediate end to the war in Afghanistan as well as full rights for immigrants. Lindsay has no illusions about massing large numbers of votes: “We’re concerned with November 6, but also November 7 and building the movement after that.”

By the way, even if she won, she’s only 28 years old, and according to the constitution, the president has to be 35.

Originally published by NCPR

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