
Socialist candidate Gloria La Riva: Hillary, you’re nothing like my abuelas

Hillary Clinton’s campaign just posted an article listing “8 ways” she is “just like your abuela.” The list is completely without substance, a pathetic attempt to boost her ratings among young Latina and Latino voters.

Here are 8 ways Hillary Clinton is actually nothing like my abuelas Estela or Genoveva. I bet she’s nothing like yours either, unless your grandmother:

  1. Sat on the board of Walmart and fought for anti-labor free trade deals
  2. Voted for the war on Iraq
  3. Helped gut welfare for poverty-stricken families, while promoting mass incarceration
  4. Orchestrated the escalation of drone warfare
  5. Promoted deadly and criminal regime change efforts in Haiti, Yugoslavia, Honduras, Libya and Syria
  6. Stood against marriage equality
  7. Called for mass deportation of undocumented children fleeing Central American violence
  8. Received huge campaign funds from Wall Street investors and military contractors

If your grandmother is a war criminal, professional liar, or multi-millionaire who accrued fortunes by cozying up to the corporate .01%, then Hillary Clinton is the candidate for you. If, instead, you defend immigrants, Muslims, and the Black Lives Matter movement; if you’re for a livable minimum wage, guaranteed quality housing, universal health care, free higher education, care for seniors, and a dignified retirement for all, then join us in building a new socialist movement in this country. Bring your abuela too!

Gloria La Riva is running for president as the candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Visit the campaign website at

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