University instructors in Florida unionize in response to attacks

Unions representing
instructors at public universities in Florida have been rapidly
growing in recent months despite the state’s reactionary and
misnamed “right to work” laws. The University of Florida has
doubled union membership from 20 to 40 percent of staff and
significant growth has taken place at Florida State University as
well as at community colleges across the state.

These organizing
drives have gained momentum as a result of recent anti-worker
legislation passed under the direction of right-wing governor Rick
Scott. A new law disproportionately affecting people of color makes
it harder to vote, and bills banning automatic dues deduction and
decertifying public sector unions with membership less than 50
percent of the workplace have been introduced.

Seeking strength
through the union, university workers in Florida should be taken as
an example by all poor and working people. Accelerating attacks on
our right to organize and devastating austerity measures call for
stepping up our workers’ fight-back movement.

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