Video: Why we support full federal LGBT equality

Please watch and share this video message from the Party for Socialism and Liberation’s Presidential Campaign featuring Tina Kelly, a Vote PSL campaign volunteer, discussing why the PSL and its candidates stand for full federal equality and liberation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

President Obama’s announcement that he personally supports equal marriage rights for same-sex couples is historic, and is a partial victory for the struggle. But it falls short of taking any real action to combat the ongoing tide of bigotry and upholds the rights of states to discriminate. That is not acceptable. We cannot afford to wait for equality.

The Lindsay/Osorio 2012 campaign salutes the LGBT movement for tirelessly fighting for equality and refusing to go back into the closet. Please watch and share this new video message from the Lindsay/Osorio campaign.

You can also read and share the campaign’s message to LGBT Pride.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation is intervening in the 2012 presidential elections to bring a revolutionary, socialist message into the electoral arena. Peta Lindsay is the candidate for president and Yari Osorio is the candidate for vice president. To find out more about the PSL’s 2012 Lindsay/Osorio Presidential Campaign, check out

Get involved with the Lindsay/Osorio 2012 Presidential Campaign today!

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