Students protest military recruiters in South Los Angeles

On March 31, well over 100 students, teachers and anti-war activists joined together outside the Los Angeles


Photos: Travis Wilkerson

Recruiting Battalion to take a stand against war and military recruiters. The battalion is the headquarters of 54 recruiting centers in Southern California. Youth & Student ANSWER-LA initiated and organized the protest.

The demonstration started with a picket line in front of the recruiting center where slogans such as, “Army, Navy, CIA, recruiters out of South LA!” and “Recruiters out now!” were chanted loudly.

The picket line was followed by a march to nearby Dorsey High School. The protesters flooded the entrance as Carlos Alvarez, coordinator of Youth & Student ANSWER-LA and member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, spoke out against the tactics used by recruiters at high schools. People in the neighborhood and passersby stopped to listen to Alvarez’s message.

The group of protesters then militantly marched back to the recruiting center where a student speak out took place. This gave the protesters a chance to voice their individual experiences with recruiters on their campuses. Students from over 10 campuses, teachers and military families all spoke against the war and militarism. 

Alvarez opened by stating that, “These recruiters specifically target working-class students. We are here today to show

them that they are not welcome at our schools. As youth and students, we will work together fiercely until they leave!”

Another supporter of the demonstration gave a heartfelt message about his son who was recently recruited into the military. He, along with others, denounced the imperialist war machine that uses working-class young people as cannon fodder.

With recruitment centers concentrated in working-class areas, a strong stand against military recruiters is important. Recruiters invade high schools in an attempt to reach out to students who feel that they have no other academic or economic options. These were common points made in the various messages given by students at the speak out.

The students wrapped up the day by giving a few last lively chants. All present vowed to continue to fight against war, racism and military recruiters.


Click here for more photos from the protest.

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