ANSWER marches in L.A.’s LGBT Pride

On June 10, one of the largest LGBT Pride parades across the country took place in West Hollywood. An estimated


Photos: Jennifer Caldwell

300,000 people lined the streets in celebration. It was a continuation of the struggle for equality.

The ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) organized an “Anti-war/Equality now” contingent for the parade that brought out dozens of activists from the Los Angeles area, including members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.

The activists gathered early Sunday morning to decorate the 12-foot flatbed truck that served as a float in the parade. The truck was adorned with anti-war placards and banners and LGBT pride flags. At the head of the contingent, a banner read, “Equality for all! Amnesty for immigrants; same-sex marriage rights now!”

Throughout the parade, organizers chanted from the truck as others walked along side, handing out leaflets for the upcoming June 24 immigrant rights march. PSL members passed out thousands of copies of a recent article on the LGBT struggle.

There was an enthusiastic and, at times, militant response to the contingent from the attendees. The crowds joined the

anti-war contingent in chants such as, “He’s racist, sexist, anti-gay, George Bush, go away,” and “What do we want? Marriage rights. When do we want them? Now!”

ANSWER also confronted anti-gay bigots who were standing on the edge of the parade at one intersection. The bigots held inflammatory signs and shouted vitriolic hate speech at the participants. ANSWER chanted “Hey hey, ho ho, racist bigots have to go!” Hundreds of spectators joined in the confrontation.

The LGBT Pride parade in Los Angeles and many across the country are now largely under corporate control. The first pride march after the Stonewall rebellion was a product of the struggle and took place in Los Angeles.

The anti-war, LGBT and immigrant rights movements not only have justice as their common interest, they also share the common enemies of inequality, discrimination and war. ANSWER and the PSL vow to continue the struggle for same-sex marriage rights and against war and all forms of injustice.

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