Year: 2007

The myth of the ‘free enterprise’ system

The myth of the ‘free enterprise’ system

The “free enterprise” system. Its glories are touted by pundits and professors from coast to coast. Many states require passing…
San Jose cafeteria workers fight for decent pay

San Jose cafeteria workers fight for decent pay

San Jose cafeteria workers employed by Guckenheimer Enterprises are living paycheck to paycheck and relying on government assistance for healthcare…
Security workers take action against property owners

Security workers take action against property owners

San Francisco’s security workers took to the streets Sept. 24 to 28 for a week of direct action to demand…
Over 200 rally to support Jena 6

Over 200 rally to support Jena 6

On the morning of Sept. 29, activists and community members rallied and marched in Hartford, Conn. to support the Jena…
Candlelight vigil demands justice for DeOnté Rawlings

Candlelight vigil demands justice for DeOnté Rawlings

A candlelight vigil for DeOnté Rawlings, the 14-year-old African American youth killed by Washington, D.C. police officers, drew nearly 200…
Clase dominante en EEUU incita histeria de guerra en contra de Irán

Clase dominante en EEUU incita histeria de guerra en contra de Irán

Durante la semana pasada, el presidente de Irán, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ha sido víctima de fuertes ataques por parte de diferentes…
Capitalism has destroyed education in ex-Soviet bloc countries

Capitalism has destroyed education in ex-Soviet bloc countries

A recent report by the United Nations Children’s Fund revealed that millions of children in the former socialist bloc have…
Lyrical Revolt: hip-hop and revolution

Lyrical Revolt: hip-hop and revolution

Bay Area Lyrical Revolt was an engaging event that featured revolutionary artists from Central California to the Bay. It happened…
Democratic candidates admit they won’t end Iraq war

Democratic candidates admit they won’t end Iraq war

The Democratic Party is not anti-war. Along with the Republican Party, it represents the interests of the U.S. capitalist class.…
Single moms and the fight for child care

Single moms and the fight for child care

Single mothers, who number more than 10 million in the United States, face many challenges. Today, 70 percent of single…
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