Year: 2010

Millions turn out in support of Iranian revolution

Millions turn out in support of Iranian revolution

Feb. 11 marked the 31st anniversary of the revolution of Iran. It was on this day in 1979 when the…
IVAW and other veterans groups mobilize for March 20 March on Washington

IVAW and other veterans groups mobilize for March 20 March on Washington

** Please circulate this message widely by email and through social networking sites. ** Iraq war veterans carrying flags with…
San Francisco ANSWER holds benefit for Haiti

San Francisco ANSWER holds benefit for Haiti

ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) San Francisco held a well-attended benefit for Haiti Feb. 7.…
Behind the conviction of Pakistani scientist Aafia Siddiqui

Behind the conviction of Pakistani scientist Aafia Siddiqui

One of the vile byproducts of the "global war on terror," now in its ninth year, has been the "commodification"…
‘Comfort women’ redress movement in S. Korea marks 18th anniversary

‘Comfort women’ redress movement in S. Korea marks 18th anniversary

During World War II, approximately 200,000 "comfort women," acting as gifts from the Japanese emperor, were coerced into being sex…
U.S. arms sales to Taiwan are an act of aggression against China

U.S. arms sales to Taiwan are an act of aggression against China

The New York Times headline "U.S. Arms for Taiwan Send Beijing a Message" correctly captured the intent of the recently…
Immigration prosecutions rose to new high in 2009

Immigration prosecutions rose to new high in 2009

Federal immigration prosecutions rose to record levels in 2009. Most of the cases brought in federal courts involve non-violent immigrants…
Study shows working families choose between shelter, medical care and food

Study shows working families choose between shelter, medical care and food

According to a February 2010 study by Feeding America, the largest hunger relief organization in the country, one in eight…
Right-wing politicians in Congress move to overturn gay-marriage bill

Right-wing politicians in Congress move to overturn gay-marriage bill

Right-wing politicians are moving to block a recent District of Columbia Council bill that would give legal recognition to same-sex…
Israeli ultra-rightist protested in Pittsburgh

Israeli ultra-rightist protested in Pittsburgh

On Wednesday, Feb. 3, more than 50 community members and activists converged outside the Hillel Jewish University Center in Pittsburgh…
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