Year: 2010

PSL campaign wins thousands of votes for socialist platform in Long Beach

PSL campaign wins thousands of votes for socialist platform in Long Beach

The writer served as campaign manager for the PSL Stevie Merino campaign for Mayor of Long Beach. On Tuesday, April…
China documents U.S. human rights violations

China documents U.S. human rights violations

Hardly a week passes in the United States without some front-page news story about how horrible the government of China…
Public outcry reverses denial of life-saving treatment for young mother

Public outcry reverses denial of life-saving treatment for young mother

Leukemia patient Diana Smith of Miami was to receive a bone-marrow transplant on April 13 paid for by her Universal…
Congress votes to end debate on bill to ease pain of unemployment

Congress votes to end debate on bill to ease pain of unemployment

The U.S. capitalists have seen a silver lining in this dark cloud they named the Great Recession from the very…
Rally protesting emergency law repressed in Cairo

Rally protesting emergency law repressed in Cairo

On April 6, Egyptian security forces blocked the streets of downtown Cairo in an attempt to prevent pro-reform and pro-democracy…
West Virginia mining disaster exposes criminality of coal boss

West Virginia mining disaster exposes criminality of coal boss

The recent mining disaster April 5 in West Virginia, which claimed the lives of 29 miners, was the result of…
One drop in a sea of blood

One drop in a sea of blood

The statement below was authored by Michael Prysner, an Iraq war veteran and co-founder of March Forward!, an affiliate of…
Genetic ancestry testing based on junk science

Genetic ancestry testing based on junk science

Millions of Americans have been watching Henry Louis Gates' new PBS show Faces of America . On the show, Gates…
Vote April 13: Stevie Merino for Mayor of Long Beach!

Vote April 13: Stevie Merino for Mayor of Long Beach!

* * * Please forward widely * * * Tomorrow, April 13, Long Beach has a chance to break out…
Postmaster general proposes huge cuts in postal services

Postmaster general proposes huge cuts in postal services

Postmaster General John Potter recently sent a proposal to Congress for permission to end Saturday mail delivery. He claims that…
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