Year: 2012

Lucy Parsons: labor activist, writer and revolutionary

Lucy Parsons: labor activist, writer and revolutionary

The legacy and revolutionary spirit of Lucy Parsons is a constant reminder of the sacrifice, dedication and leadership provided by…
Hospitals make room for the rich, crowd the rest out

Hospitals make room for the rich, crowd the rest out

Health care is expensive in the United States, most of all for the caviar-munchers who use luxurious hospital rooms that…
Mississippi pardons shine light on systemic racism

Mississippi pardons shine light on systemic racism

Outgoing Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour granted 222 acts of clemency. But his decision has highlighted questions about systemic racism in…
Civil rights and the self-defense tradition

Civil rights and the self-defense tradition

One element of Black history that tends to receive very little attention is the interplay in the movement between nonviolent…
¡Manos fuera de Irán!

¡Manos fuera de Irán!

En este momento Irán es objeto de una fuerte presión internacional de tácticas criminales orquestada por EE.UU y la vecina…
Occupy Syracuse attacked, demolished by police

Occupy Syracuse attacked, demolished by police

On Jan. 18, Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner issued a statement that the 109-day-old Occupy Syracuse encampment was to be evicted…
Florida proposal to cut Medicaid draws opposition

Florida proposal to cut Medicaid draws opposition

Florida Governor Rick Scott’s proposal to cut Medicaid is drawing opposition and resurrecting Scott’s own troubles with Medicaid.
Haditha massacre: Covering up war crimes in a criminal war

Haditha massacre: Covering up war crimes in a criminal war

If Bradley Manning had slaughtered Iraqi civilians, he would have been set free instead of being locked up for 21…
Militarism mixed with empty liberal rhetoric

Militarism mixed with empty liberal rhetoric

This speech reaffirms that the U.S. presidency is a job that comes with a specific job description: CEO of the…
Violence against women widespread in US

Violence against women widespread in US

A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey found that one in four women have experienced physical violence from an intimate…
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