Year: 2016

Declaration of the Revolutionary Government of Cuba in solidarity with Venezuela
Guest statements

Declaration of the Revolutionary Government of Cuba in solidarity with Venezuela

The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba demands the elimination of Executive Order 13692.
End the U.S. blockade of Cuba now!

End the U.S. blockade of Cuba now!

The so-called embargo is really a blockade.
We stand with Cuba

We stand with Cuba

Although the Cuban people look forward to more equitable relations with the United States, they are highly politically conscious and…
Bay of Pigs: The first defeat of U.S. imperialism

Bay of Pigs: The first defeat of U.S. imperialism

The events surrounding Playa Girón have a historic significance, not only for Cuba, but for the entire struggle of the…
Obama will visit a modest but safe country
Guest Analysis

Obama will visit a modest but safe country

Cuba is now an exceptional democracy in the hemisphere because it is the only country where, since 1959, there have…
Sanders supporters explain ‘Why socialism’ at Tampa Bay rally
Militant Journalism

Sanders supporters explain ‘Why socialism’ at Tampa Bay rally

Sanders' campaign has helped dispel the taboo around socialism, inspiring a new generation to cast off political cynicism and despair.
La Riva on Clinton, Reagans and AIDS: “Clinton just re-wrote history”

La Riva on Clinton, Reagans and AIDS: “Clinton just re-wrote history”

Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan acted like insensitive monsters while tens of thousands of gay men were dying from the…
Outrage erupts: Hillary lies about Reagan’s AIDS legacy

Outrage erupts: Hillary lies about Reagan’s AIDS legacy

Republicans and Democrats alike used the AIDS crisis to fan the flames of homophobia and racism.
Socialist candidates on anti-Trump rally: ‘Create two, three, many Chicagos!’

Socialist candidates on anti-Trump rally: ‘Create two, three, many Chicagos!’

Trump is trying to dredge up the country's ugly, racist history. But last night was a glimpse of the future.
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