Year: 2018

Sacramento demands answers in death of Brandon Smith
Militant Journalism

Sacramento demands answers in death of Brandon Smith

Neither the police and media narrative nor the city’s delay tactics will stop the people of Sacramento from demanding justice…
Trump, las sanciones contra Irán y el peligro de una nueva guerra

Trump, las sanciones contra Irán y el peligro de una nueva guerra

El peligro de una guerra de los Estados Unidos contra Irán es una posibilidad aterradora.
Las elecciones en Venezuela marcan una encrucijada para la revolución

Las elecciones en Venezuela marcan una encrucijada para la revolución

Como era de esperar, el presidente Nicolás Maduro de Venezuela ganó las elecciones presidenciales del 20 de mayo con un…
Community rallies for refugees outside private prison in Otay Mesa
Militant Journalism

Community rallies for refugees outside private prison in Otay Mesa

While the demonstration was occurring, Liberation News saw company prison cars transport at least one youth in handcuffs without any family.
Seattle repeals head tax under pressure from big business
Militant Journalism

Seattle repeals head tax under pressure from big business

By striking this extremely modest and already heavily compromised tax, the Seattle City Council sent a message that the needs of…
Singapore summit: socialist view vs. liberal imperialism

Singapore summit: socialist view vs. liberal imperialism

Key sectors of the U.S. ruling class establishment want the Trump-Kim meeting to fail.
Seattle united front outnumbers fascists outside Planned Parenthood
Militant Journalism

Seattle united front outnumbers fascists outside Planned Parenthood

Pro-choice and anti-fascists kept up their chants and pickets for more than three hours until the fascists left in small…
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